Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Say no to the Trump Card

      One of the first things we learn as children is to be nice to people -- treat them as we would want to be treated.  This is reiterated in the Bible as the "Golden Rule" - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Who remembers our parents telling us "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all," and  "it's ok to be different."  There's also that general rule of respect -- show a little for others, even if you don't like them.  These are basic rules of society, and if followed, people of different race, beliefs and religion can live together in relative harmony.
       I'm sure Donald Trump's mom attempted to instill these simple character traits in little Donald, and he must have learned them in military school as a teen, but somewhere along the way, he apparently decided they didn't apply to him.  In an era when teaching kids not to bully has become a nationwide focus, Mr. Trump is the worst kind of bully because he preys on anyone and everyone without regard for their personal circumstances.  He has an audience, and a world-wide platform to spew his venomous opinions and childish mockery about anyone who disagrees with him.   How will he react to Vladimir Putin, or Kim Jong-un, when they challenge him or say something about him that he doesn't like?  How will they respond to being called losers, know-nothings, insignificant?  I'm scared that we might find out.
      It's true that political correctness sometimes goes too far, but in some circumstances, being politically correct is simply the right way to act, or speak.  Not with Mr. Trump.  He is too cocky, too narcissistic, too pigheaded to care if he is saying the right thing.  His recent "I can stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody (displaying the shooting motion with his finger) and I still won't lose any votes" comment is appalling, especially in today's climate of mass-shootings.  It's also clear evidence that he doesn't get it.
    In some ways, Donald Trump has said all the right things, delivery notwithstanding, to recruit Americans onto his crazy-train.  He says what a lot of Americans are thinking -- protect our borders, make America great again, "cut the head off Isis," grow the economy, reduce the debt and cut the budget ... bring back the American dream.   Who doesn't want this for America?   I know I do! But the problem is that he has not hinted at any plan for how to accomplish these, and about 70 other lofty tasks he has promised us if we elect him president.  By the way, one of his promises is to "say things that are politically incorrect because the country doesn't have time to waste with political correctness" (according to the Washington Post).    The country also doesn't have time to mop up his massive messes with other country leaders when he offends them or puts his expensive Italian-leather-clad foot in his mouth!
   I'm typically not one to voice my political opinion.  I don't believe one's voting decision should be swayed by Hollywood actors, musicians, athletes, or even bloggers like me.  When I think about casting my vote, I do consider the opinions of those I respect, who I consider well-read, smart, educated and sensible.  However, in this case, I feel strongly about what is not good for our country, so I can't hold back.  Donald Trump is not the answer for America.  He is not the savior we need to guide us into better days. He is not a leader we can feel safe with.  He is everything we teach our kids NOT to be.  He has been publicly inconsiderate of others feelings, he's been a bully, he's been rude, and brash.  And while he may be a successful business man, he is in no way qualified to be Commander in Chief of the world's most impressive military, or to run the greatest country in the world.
     I hope Trump supporters come to realize that Donald Trump as president could not only put our country in danger, but it will make us the laughing stock of the world and put us at risk of losing the respect America has worked hard to earn over the last 240 years.